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    About Us

    Our Story

    ICM HPQC is a sub-fund of ICMGF VCC, a Variable Capital Company (VCC) managed by ICM Global Funds Pte Ltd.

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    ICM Global Funds is a Singapore based licensed fund management company serving accredited and institutional investors with products across a range of asset classes from private debt/convertibles, to private/public equity instruments. Its investment focus is on companies which advocate for the well-being of people and planet. Find out more.

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    ICM Global Funds is wholly owned by ICM Limited, an international fund manager and corporate finance adviser with expertise in listed equity, private equity, and fixed income. ICM manages directly and indirectly approximately US$10.9 billion, and specialises in the following investment sectors: utility & infrastructure, financial services, resources, mobility and technology.

    For over three decades, the ICM team has been investing in public, private and capital markets. We focus on fundamental value generation, relentlessly seeking out opportunities to provide investment opportunities where the market has mispriced the risk in a country, industry, or company. To find out more information here.

    ICM Emerging Technology Team
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    Matthew Gould

    Portfolio Manager, Emerging Technology

     ICM Limited

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    Kate Prebble


    Emerging Technology

    ICM Limited

    ICM HPQC Fund Investment Committee
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    Duncan Saville


    ICM Limited


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    Charles Jillings


    ICM Limited

    Jonathan Chi.jpg

    Jonathan Chi

    Chief Executive,

    ICM Global Funds


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    Alasdair Younie


    ICM Limited


    © 2025 by ICMGF VCC. All rights reserved.

    The information on this website is solely for information purposes and is not intended to be, and should be construed as, an offer or recommendation to buy and sell investments. If you are in any doubt as to the appropriate course of action, we would recommend that you consult your own independent financial adviser, stockbroker, solicitor, accountant or other professional adviser. 


    ICMGF VCC - ICM HPQC Fund information referred to in this website has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore or any other regulators.

    Past performance is no guide to the future. The value of investments and the income from them may go down as well as up and investors may not get back the full amount they originally invested. The information herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable but no representation or warranty is given or may be implied that they are accurate or complete.

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